Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday's Saturday Summary

I know that some of you may have a hard time believing this, but I did not touch my computer on Saturday.   Not once.  That doesn't happen often.

So, let me back up.

Last week I stayed in Brookneal from Sunday night until Friday.   That, also, doesn't happen often.  I greeted my friend Jeff (my former boss at Bethany) who has come here to work and his wife Cheryl.  We helped them settle in Sunday afternoon and then went out to dinner with them and unmedicated Dominyk who made the dinner interesting, to say the least.

Monday I spent the day in the Brookneal office with hardly anyone around.  I got some stuff done, but it was weird being here all day.....

Tuesday was my day in Lynchburg, meetings all.   day.  long.

Wednesday I stayed in my apartment in Brookneal working with the exception of an endocrinologist appointment in Lynchburg -- then Bart joined me up here and we had dinner with Jeff and Cheryl.  Fun.  Like super fun.

Thursday I worked in Brookneal all day, and then Friday had more meetings.  Left Friday morning to take Bart out for his 53rd birthday.   Came home and hung out with my grandkids Gabby and Carlos before putting them to bed.

Saturday Bart and I went shopping in Greensboro, had lunch and then came home and did pretty much nothing the rest of the day.

Yesterday was church, lunch out, and a fun evening  picnic at a friend's lake home for the "young adult" Sunday School class I attend, and then back to Brookneal this morning.

I know it isn't exciting, but that's what happens when I'm in Brookneal alone.   The picture below was pretty much the highlight of my week.  I love seeing them have so much fun!

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