Saturday, July 08, 2017

Saturday Summary for July 8th

This has been a pretty great week!  It started with Sunday church and lunch out with our friends the Larkings... always fun.    (And we had a great time the night before going out with some other friends from church!).   Then Monday I had an all-day strategic planning retreat that was simply awesome.  We came up with the most amazing "WIG" (Wildly Important Goal) or if you prefer Jim Collins, "BHAG" (Big Hairy Audacious Goal).  I can't wait to tell you all about it.  It's pretty cool.

Then Tuesday was the 4th and everyone who lives in Virginia plus a male friend of our daughter joined us for a pool party on the campus where I work and live part of the week.  We had a tasty meal, watched the kids swim, listened to Patrick Henry's speech, and then got rained out for fireworks....  I only took one picture....

The rest of the week involved marketing my book which finally came in last night!  I'm busy today signing them and getting them out the door to those who pre-ordered.  Kind of exciting.  I made a lot of stupid videos too.

I also had something really cool happen this week....  Do you remember my post exactly a month ago when I wrote about Scooter Gennett (player for the Cincinnati Reds) and his home run?  It was one of the best posts of my whole life I think.   You should read it if you haven't.     Well, I decided to share it on Twitter and tag Scooter himself and he liked my tweet!  I was so excited!  Then a friend of his retweeted my post and reached out to me to let me know how much it meant to Scooter.  Now THAT is beyond cool!    He's a Christian and the "real deal" according to everything I've seen.  I've actually started praying for him.... he has a huge platform now to share Christ with the world and that means he will be attacked by the enemy.....

So between that and all the book hype PLUS the cool stuff at work it's been a good week!

Hope yours was too!

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