Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Another Episode of Survivor

Have you had times in your life where you feel like you are in the middle of an episode of survivor?  Have you had challenges that have come at you one right after the other, back to back, until you aren't sure you can take one more?  Have you felt betrayed by those you trusted and left in a state of confusion?

All of those things are part of the human condition.   Our response to a season like that can define our character and definitely determines how well we will handle it the next time.  This is how resiliency is built .... by surviving one thing after another until we have confidence that we can handle the next thing... whatever the next thing might be.

I confess to being in a slump the past few days, but I know that with God's help I will get through this time and head into better days.  I also know that the better days will pass and there will be some tougher days after that.  But the key is this:  I know that because He has done it in the past, God will take care of those as well.

Just like muscles are strengthened when we use them, resiliency is built when we rely on God to take us through the ups and downs of life.  So whether or not you feel like it today, you are a survivor.

I was introduced to this song recently and I want to share it with you today.  I'm not sure who needs to hear it, but I hope it speaks to you.  I've listened to several times the past few days.

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