Friday, August 25, 2017

In a Hurry?

Are you one of those people who always seems to be in a hurry?  Do you wish things were done yesterday?  I'm like that... if you know me well you know that and if you know me really well it probably drives you crazy.  Just saying.

In the book of Isaiah, there are a couple of familiar verses.  I'm going to give you two version choices and you can read whichever one resonates with you.  I think you will get the point in both of these versions -- God's timing is perfect.... settle down.... depend on him.  He's got you.
Your salvation requires you to turn back to me
    and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.
Your strength will come from settling down
    in complete dependence on me—
The very thing
    you’ve been unwilling to do.
18 But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you.
    He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you.
God takes the time to do everything right—everything.
    Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.

And in the NIV:
In repentance and rest is your salvation,
    in quietness and trust is your strength,
    but you would have none of it.

18 Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you;
    therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
    Blessed are all who wait for him.

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