Thursday, October 19, 2017

Feeling off track?

Ever feel like you aren’t quite where you should be?  Wonder how you got off track?  Want to know how to get back where you should be?
In Chapter 29 God speaks through Isaiah to say this (as interpreted in The Message:)
And these children will honor me    by living holy lives.In holy worship they’ll honor the Holy One of Jacob    and stand in holy awe of the God of Israel.Those who got off-track will get back on-track,    and complainers and whiners learn gratitude.
I find it fascinating that these verses are together.   God talks about people who will begin to honor Him by living holy lives.  He mentions holy worship and recognizing Him with awe.   He talks about getting back on track.

And then suddenly WHAAAAAAAT?   Complianers and whiners learn gratitude?  What is that about?

It could very well be that God is giving us a short formula for getting back on track:

Live holy lives.

Participate in holy worship.

Stop whining and complaining.

Learn gratitude.

Whining and complaining and gratitude can’t really exist at the same time.   So when you feel a whine or a complaint come on to day, think of something you’re grateful for.   Or maybe several things.  It might just be the solution to getting back on track. 

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