Monday, October 23, 2017

How Will You Answer This Question?

You know, life is kind of funny.   Because if someone comes up to me today and asks me the question, "How was your weekend?" I'm honestly going to respond "pretty good, actually" and then I'm going to wonder why I answered that way.   Because based on what I'm about to tell you, you might conclude that I did NOT have a good weekend.

On Saturday afternoon Bart and I had the house to almost to ourselves.   Salinda and the kids had gone to the park, and Dominyk had gone to the mall to meet a friend.  I texted Bart and basically said, "Come quick!  The house is quiet.  Let's watch "This is Us!"    

We love the show, as anyone involved in adoption probably does, because it's pretty real.   And I guess I like to cry, but I digress.   But the week before Dominyk had said something really mean during a powerful scene and I didn't even hear some of the dialogue.  So having the house quiet was amazing.  Wilson doesn't really talk to us, so having him home was neutral.

So, we sat down and I was so excited I actually typed into Facebook that we were going to get to watch it.   Exactly nine minutes later, Dominyk called.  He had gotten into an accident in my car (I know, I know, you're asking why I let him drive it.... and I'm asking myself that question also, repeatedly, for the last 36 hours...).   Needless to say the show became a secondary issue.

Fortunately nobody was hurt The front of the car will have to be replaced.  .  We have insurance.  It's a hassle and we have no idea where we are going to get the $500 to pay the deductible, but it could have been worse.

Fast forward a few hours and we are finishing up "This is Us" after the grandkids are in bed and the boys come in from their respective rooms.  They have to go and pick up Salinda because her car died.  Yes, tis true.

So yesterday we had to figure out how to get seven of us plus the boyfriend to church in one Toyota Camry (which, by the way, was purchased when Dominyk hit a deer and totaled Bart's car in May) and Dominyk's truck, which he was saying he was afraid to drive.   We did it though!

All of that and I am looking back thinking it was a pretty good weekend... WHAT?  Yup, it was a good weekend.

I got a lot of work done and feel caught up.   Bart and I had a couple meals out with good conversation. We had an especially nice Subway lunch at the park after church yesterday that was paid for by some anonymous dude (who we are pretty sure we figured out who it was).   (Ordering it at Subway, however, not fun).   The weather was gorgeous.

So, is there a point in all this?    Yes, there is.....   And the point is this.

It's what you choose to dwell on.   I could spend my entire day telling people all about how we are completely messed up because of the car situation and our finances.  I could mention all of the annoying things that surround parenting underemployed adult children.  I could discuss the family dynamics I'm not happy with.

Or I could tell you that the weather was great and we had a nice picnic and that I got a lot done.

In Philippians chapter 4 verse 8, 
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
That's what makes the difference.  

I'm sharing two songs with you today.  The first is a song devoid of God even thought it's kind of catchy!  The second is one that is full of words about Him.   I think you can tell the difference in the approach to life.  

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