Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Speak Up!

Are you a person believes that you were placed here on this earth for a particular task?  That God has you hear for a reason?   Do you know what that reason is?

There have a few specific times in my life where I have known, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that God  has wanted me in a particular place or doing a particular thing.  In some of those situations, I came to learn the reason why and in others it was never shown to me.   But regardless if I know why, there are times when God has given me specific guidance to be somewhere "for such a time as this."

Part of having the privilege of God using me is being open to that happening.    Isaiah was used by God because He heard God asking "Whom shall I send?  Who will go for us?   We have heard his answer many times, " "Here am I, send me!" many times in sermons over the years.

In the message though, there are two words that jumped out to me in Isaiah 6:

I heard the voice of the Master:
    “Whom shall I send?
    Who will go for us?”
I spoke up,
    “I’ll go.
    Send me!”

God will accomplish His will and His work ... He doesn't need your or me to do it.  But He invites us to be part of it with Him.  He chooses us -- not because He can't do it without us -- but because of the incredible blessing that we can find in joining Him to change the world.  It's the way He planned it -- not for His benefit but for ours.

If you are open to that kind of adventure, speak up.  You never know where you may end up but you can be guaranteed it will be an adventure ... one where God is in control. 


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