Friday, November 24, 2017

Saturday Summary on Black Friday: 6 days late or a day early?

So, why in the world am I writing this today?  One reason is that I absolutely do NOT do Black Friday.  My goal is to not leave the house at all today.   That gives me time to do some things I might not have time to do tomorrow.  So, you could consider this a day early if you'd like.

Before I forget, we are having a Black Friday sale in our online store and you can save $7.00 on anything there for today only using the coupon BlackFriday.

So anyway, that explains why I am writing today instead of tomorrow but it certainly doesn't explain last weekend.  Let me tell you why I didn't write last week.  It mainly comes down to this.  If things are crazy at home, but work seems pretty level, I do fine.  Same thing is true if work is crazy but home is stable.  But when they both blow up at once, I can get down for the count emotionally.  The other reason was that I have begun to feel invisible.  Let me explain that first and then I'll get to the rest of the stuff.

I have discovered that it is very difficult to do a lot of online "marketing" because after a while it can make you feel invisible.  Between trying to sell the book and raising money for #Doit4thekidsday and not getting responses when or how I thought, I started to get really wacked out.   It was a weird feeling.   (you should really check out that campaign if you haven't already.  It really is meaningful and important and I believe in what we are doing with every ounce of passion I have).

So by the weekend I needed a break badly from all things online.  I didn't want to set myself up for any more rejections and so doing my weekly newsletter which involved writing this just didn't happen.  In fact, I didn't even touch my computer for 2 full days which hasn't happened in I don't know how long.

I can't go into detail about why work was crazy but I had every trauma trigger I have firing like crazy for days.   I didn't sleep for a few nights in a row.  It's all stuff involving the dysfunctional system that I walked into, but let's just say I thought I had made more progress than I have.

And then there is home and the jinx of Dominyk.   He even has been talking about how he feels like he he has "bad juju."     Since May he has hit a deer and totalled Bart's car, got involved in an accident in the mall parking lot that has resulted in $8,900 of damage with insurance still not paid out (lots of complications -- the accident was 34 days ago, very annoying), been taken off the schedule at work twice as a Pizza Hut Delivery driver because his truck died and then the old car he purchased died.  He also left stuff by the heater causing a fire in the parsonage that caused several trucks to come to the house and it made the paper and the TV news.  That was pretty fun for Bart.  I also made the mistake of going into the Sprint Store with him Wednesday where I spent 5.5 hours trying to get Jimmy a phone and get his upgrade.

If you know Dominyk he tends to obsess and talk a lot and so all of his anxiety and stress over all this has consumed a great deal of my time and emotional energy.    Thus .... no Saturday summary last week.

I have had some great success with my weight loss and if you sponsor me for Do it For the Kids Day you can join a Facebook group called "Biggest Givers and Biggest Losers" that will tell you of my progress.

So there you have it.  Not a lot of detail, but a lot of stress.  Hopefully we are coming out of the end of that season as we hit December!

Hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving yesterday.

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