Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Are you resigning?

It is very likely that when I type the following words your eyes and going to gloss over and you're going to check out.  But bear with me.
Save us from weak resignation,
To the evils we deplore.
Let the search for Thy salvation,
Be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
Serving Thee Whom we adore,
Serving Thee Whom we adore.

Those are words from the fifth verse of the hymn "God of Grace and God of Glory"  written by Harry Fosdick in 1930.  And even though the wording is  bit strange, there's a powerful lesson there.

Do you ever feel like there is nothing that you can do about all of the horrible things that are happening around us?  Do you figure that culture has become so awful that we have to just accept it for what it is?

Then you need to be "saved from weak resignation to the evils you deplore."   That sentence, though written nearly 90 years ago, sums up very well where many Christians have found themselves as society becomes more and more godless.

What should our response be instead?  We should pray for God's wisdom and his courage as we attempt to search for his salvation and serve Him.

Don't do it.  Don't resign yourself to the evil around you.   Ask for wisdom, ask for courage, as we fight for good and for God in this present age.

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