Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Never Runs Out

This question was asked in our Sunday School class a few weeks ago.

If you were one of the Isrealites, would you have tried to stock up on manna?   God told them that He would provide it every morning and that they just needed to trust Him.  But you know that there were bunches of people who couldn't trust that simple promise and stocked up on it.  We know they did because we found out that it rotted by morning.

What would you have done?  Taken God at His word, or stressed out trying to hoard it?

Careful at your response.  Think about the last time that God promised to take care of something.  Did you leave it in His hands, or take it back, worried He couldn't quite handle it.

God always gives us enough.  His supply never runs out.   We don't need to stress.  In fact, Jesus said "Do not worry about tomorrow.  Each day has enough trouble of it's own."

Trust, Relax.  Be still.

My favorite line of this song is  "Your love is like a fountain.... it will never run dry."

Count on that, my friends.

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