Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Want to Join Me in a Journey through the Bible?

A coworker challenged people on Facebook to join her in reading through the Bible this year.  You may know that last year I listened to the Bible from beginning to end in order.  This year, I’m doing it chronologically — which means that I got to Genesis 11 and was suddenly in Job.

For me it’s been quite easy.  I have the YouVersion Bible App.  I have bluetooth in my car.  I commute anywhere from 6 to 9 (or more) hours a week.   No reason I can’t listen to the Bible in a year.   

Last year I listened to “The Message” and it was like listening to a whole new book.   Thoughts came to me in different ways than they ever had before and I learned so much.   This year I’m going to the NIV — it’s comforting because I’ve memorized most verses from there and it’s the version I used growing up.

There’s a reason that the Psalmist wrote that God’s Word is a lamp and a light …. it shows us stuff.  Stuff that can help us make good choices and head in right directions.

So how about it?  Let’s do this together!  Who is in?

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