Monday, January 15, 2018

Who and How?

One of my favorite songs is one that I did not hear until I was a United Methodist and it was sung at Bart's ordination.   It's become a favorite of mine over the years and I'm sure I've shared it here before.

When we were singing it yesterday these words stuck out to me:

I will hold Your people in my heart.

When I am singing a song to God, I remind myself to think about what I'm singing.  I don't want to promise something to God in a song that I have no intention of doing.  So as I sang those words I started thinking "who are God's people" and "what does it mean to hold them in my heart?"

It would be nice if we could conclude that "God's people" are the ones who are in my little world... people who agree with me theologically and doctrinally ... people who look like me, act like me, and act like me.  But God is so much bigger than that.  I believe that "God's people" might very well include every person that He created.

And if that is so, what does it mean to 'Hold them in my heart?"  I'm sure it has different ramifications in different contacts, but I'm pretty sure it always includes being gracious, forgiving, and compassionate, regardless of that person's personality, circumstances, or belief system.

It may be that God views our commitments to Him in light of the way we treat those we love the least.  If so, we all probably have some changes to make.  

To sing the words, "Here I am Lord" may be easy -- but to mean them is so much more.

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