Monday, February 26, 2018

I learned this from my Mom today....

This morning I called my Mom, like I do every Monday morning (and a couple other times during the week).  She's been having a particular hard season in her life right now.  She's almost 89 so it is to be expected that there will be challenges.  But she hasn't been able to be more than a few feet away from the bathroom for very long for almost a month, meaning she has missed four Sundays in a row for the first time in her whole life.

I knew she had some doctors appointments this week so when she started the conversation with “I have some very serious, very bad news to tell you.”   My mind went straight to some kind of cancer with weeks to live.   But she said, “My lift chair broke and I don’t think it can be fixed.”   She went on to tell me that it was the only place she can sit comfortably with her back pain and that she had no idea what to do.    She says, "I walk all hunched over like an old lady!"   I said, "News Flash.  You're almost 89.  You ARE an old lady.  We both laughed.

She was going to have the maintenance guy look at it.  I told her that if they couldn’t fix it she should call me and I’d talk to Bart.   She warned me that it was going to be very expensive.

Later in the conversation she said, “I had to pray this one through and I prayed and sang hymns until I realized this.   Jesus is always with me, through all of this.  I don’t know what He wants me to learn from this, but I’m sure it’s something because He always has a plan.  And no matter what happens, Jesus is with me through it all.

An hour later she called me and told me that they couldn’t fix it but that the maintenance guy said he thought he might be able to find her one that would be used and cheap.   I told her that she should call me and leave a message to let me know.   She left an abrupt voicemail saying, “Nothing can can be done here.   Talk to your husband.” 

To make a long story short, she called me at 12:30 to tell me that she needed me to figure out what to do about the chair.   I reminded God that He was going to take care of my mom, looked on Craig’s list, found one that looked too good to be true, and by 2 had made plans for our sons Jimmy and Rand to meet the guy to check it out.   By 6 pm they had purchased it — almost brand new and less than half the price of a new one.   My mom is thrilled that she was the recipient of a miracle.  The picture above is of her tonight still in shock but sitting in her miracle chair.

Is there a bunch of stuff that you are going through that you don’t understand?  If so, my mom would tell you that Jesus is with you.  You may not know what he is going to teach you through all this, but He has a plan.  

And apparently Jesus was with me too -- because he basically put a lift chair into my hands with very little effort on my part and I got to be part of a miracle.  

Not bad for a Monday.

1 comment:

  1. So inspiring and encouraging! Love this glimpse of God’s love and care.
