Friday, February 16, 2018

Wait for it!

Part of the song below says this:

I feel the waves crashin on my feet 
It’s like I know where I need to be
But I can’t figure it out
Just how much air will I need to breathe
when your tide rushes over me
there’s only one way to figure it out…
will you let me drown?

That does not sound good.   Is it really the way it works?

Unfortunately, life is that way.   Things happen to us and the only way we can learn that God is there and won’t let us drown is if we stand in the ocean of adversity.  It’s during those times that we learn truth.  It’s there that we see beautiful things.

Is today a day for you where you are feeling great — on top of the world?  Or is this a day when you are standing in the ocean of adversity wondering if God is going to let you drown?

If so, hang in there.  Wait for it.  Wait for it.   Something beautiful is coming!

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