Friday, March 02, 2018

The Messy Middle

There’s a place that all of us have been before.  IT’s that place between “And God said to ______” and “It Came to Pass.”    That place between where God calls us to do something or God promises something and the moment when we see Him come through.   Brene Brown refers to it as the "Messy Middle"

Messy middles in Scripture include a lion’s den, a fiery furnace, the belly of a big fish, marching around a wall, deserts, jail cells, and even a tomb.  As I recall the times in my life when I was in the messy middle, something which, by the way, can’t be avoided, I remember all kinds of questions and challenges.

If God loved me, why would I be here?  How long is this going to last?  Have I been abandoned by God?  Did I do something wrong?   Could I have avoided this if I had made different choices?   What if this never ends?  What if God doesn’t fulfill HIs promises?

But in looking back in my life, the messy middle always ended.  It may not have ended the way I expected or hoped, but it ended.   Those blessed words “It came to pass” were now behind me and I could move on to the next stage…. leading me forward until I came into the next phase of life that contained a messy middle.

Whether it was forty years of wandering, years in jail, seven days of marching, three days of thinking the Savior was dead and gone, or just moments in a fiery furnace, the messy middle always had resolution.

While I was thinking about my current messy middle I thought about some strategies to make it through.  Let me share them as tips for you as I remind myself
  1. Remember all the times in the past where God has come through for you.
  2. Thank God for what He is teaching you today through this experience.  
  3. Keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing during this transition.   Pray, serve, love, give, be the person God wants you to be.  
  4. Look forward with hope and anticipation, and even a bit of excitement, to the day when God is going to find a way to get you through this time.   However He chooses to conclude this, it’s going to be in HIs perfect time and relying on His perfect wisdom.

The middle between “God Said” and “It Came to Pass” isn’t the highlight of life, but it very well may be the place where God teaches us the most.   So sit back, trust, relax, and let Him show you what He wants you to learn.   

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