Thursday, June 28, 2018

Guide Me, Hold Me, Feed Me, Lead Me

This entire week I have had one song stuck in my mind.   It came from the VBS program at our church and it’s the intro to the song “Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah” that the kids sang.  I’m attaching a video of by far the cutest kid ever (aka my grandson Carlos) at his debut. He’s only three and this is the first time he sang in front of people.  I think he did pretty well.

But this catchy intro hasn’t left my mind.  “Guide me, guide me, won’t You guide me, guide me, guide me, all the way…

The hymn the kids sang has some requests of God — imperative verbs if you know grammar.   As I was listening to the song I thought about how all encompassing those things are.

We need God to guide us.  Sometimes we just need a nudge here or there as we make choices in life.   When we feel competent, strong, decisive and capable, we still need to remember to ask Him to guide us.

We need God to hold us.   When life falls apart, we need to be held.  We need God to pick us up out of the mess we are in, either by our own making or the situations around us.   When I think of God holding us, I think of one of my kids when they were little or one of my grandkids who when they fall down, they simply need an adult to hold them and tell them it will be okay.   

We need God to feed us.  Not only does the hymn writer say “feed me” but he said, “Feed me til I want no more.”  We need God to fill us up with Himself until there is no room for anything else.

Finally, we need God to lead us.   There are times when we have no clue where to go or what to do and we simply need to ask Him to show us the way and then, if He is going to lead, we need to follow.

On this #ThankfulThursday I am so grateful for a God who can step in during whatever I’m going through and do what is needed, whether I need guiding, holding, feeding or leading.

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