Saturday, July 14, 2018

143 days....Weird Goal, huh?

You may have seen on my Facebook that it is my goal to work out 143 days in a row.

Weird huh?  Have you ever heard of anyone setting a 143 day goal?   Well, as Bart would tell you, I'm not like most people.

Back in late May I started a challenge with a few of my kids and their significant others to go 30 days working out every day for at least 20 minutes outside of home or work.   Amazingly, two of them made it to the end and we are still going!

On Day 43 I posted something about Do It 4 The Kids Day 2.0 and a friend of mine from Florida put on my Facebook this challenge:

"I’ll sponsor you the next 100 days of going to the gym. If you go every single day, with no days off, I’ll give you $2/day. If you miss a day, I’ll give you $1/day for all the days you have made it in a row and the sponsorship stops that day. If you get really sick, I’ll need a doctors note!

Soon someone else said they would do the same thing and right now I have $1100 going to our fundraiser if I make it 100 days straight.  Problem is that I already had 43 days in when I started.

So, I have to go to the gym 143 days in a row to get the reward.

I would love it if you would join them in sweetening the pot.  It's a great cause and a lot of hard work.

The details are here --  You can give online, pledge by putting a comment here or on my Facebook, or you can contact me in any other way to tell me.   Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook messenger, text, phone call, linked in messenger, Twitter... you name it.

Come on, join the fun.

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