Saturday, January 16, 2021

Saturday Musings (applying my. muzzle)

Sometimes I write a daily email on weekdays or my coworkers that contains a devotional and I share it on the blog as well.

But on Saturday there is no daily email and so I am in front of a blank blog screen with the freedom to blog about almost anything I want to.

Except that....

I have adult children who like their lives to remain fairly private who may read the blog. That means that I can't be as open about frustrations with them as I'd like to be.

I have a diverse set of Facebook friends (as I have mentioned in other posts) that I don't want to offend should they click on my blog.

I represent an organization that I care very much about and I don't want to damage any of those relationships.  

I am married to the pastor of a church whose members I would never want to offend.

and the last thing I want to do is start a comment war.

So often my thoughts get stifled on their way out.

I've thought of an anonymous blog, but nobody would read it ... in fact, hardly anyone reads this one.

All that being said, it's Saturday.   My routine is to write to my mother and to Bart's extended family and do the Powerpoint for church.  Then most of my Saturdays are dedicated to CarePortal needs.   Today I am going to take a new friend to look at some of the furniture we picked up from the hotel that was closing.   She aged out of foster care a year ago.  Her father has passed away -- her mom has a master's in counseling but started using and is now an addict.  She very much cares about younger siblings and as an adult is trying to take care of them and her grandma and her mom while living on her own, receiving some assistance from the "Fostering Futures" program for kids 18-21.   She's smart, stubborn and resilient, but the number of healthy stable people in her life is slim.

She was in a serious car accident right before Christmas, and is still recovering from that.  I haven't seen her since September or October, but she says today she'll go to lunch with me and check out the furniture.

If you haven't checked out CarePortal yet -- it is my number one passion right now.  Nothing I've seen over the years does a better job of introducing church members to families and children in crisis and allowing them to make a tangible difference.   

No matter where you live, you can partner with me to make a difference in people's lives.  You can check out our church page and join our response team (I think) or donate from afar to help....

I really had no plans to end with asking you something, but you know how I get.  My passion overtakes me. :-).  

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