Monday, January 18, 2021

Seem like a lot of things are coming at you at once?

 I don’t know about you, but in our house, it seems like annoying (or even tragic things) happen at the same time, or pile up on each other after a stretch when things seem to be going pretty well.

Nobody understands this better than Job.   If you just read Chapter One of the book you will see that life turned very quickly for Job.  In fact the messengers that came to tell him the bad news couldn’t even get the first round of bad news out before the next messenger came with more.  His animals, servants, and children were all killed.  He lost everything in one day.

And yet here was his response:

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.

We don’t know for sure why Job was able tor respond that way immediately, but here’s my guess.  He recognized that every good thing he had was a gift from God — not something he earned or deserved.  And in recognizing that He could praise God’s name even when those blessings were taken away.

So we need to reminded that in seasons where life is good …. These are gifts from God.

And that when hard things come our way — we can remember that God is still worthy of our praise.

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