Wednesday, February 10, 2021

So Far, So Good

Have you ever looked back and thought "wow.... we've come a long way!"

This is also true in my personal life if I look back on several situations…. in our marriage, in the lives of our adult kids — who started their lives with so much trauma and heartbreak — in my own personal life with topics (saw a picture of myself 4 years ago and I DO look thinner now :-), in my relationships — there are so many ways that we can say “We have come so far.”

What about you?  In looking back can you see growth, change progress?  And have you also been able to see God’s goodness throughout the journey.

I was reminded of this song from back in the day today that clearly reminds us of this message.

I’ll share the lyrics because the song because you don’t always click on my links that have 80s hair.

We have come so far, You have been so good.
When I trace the road that we have traveled, I've got to tell you Lord,
I look at where we are, and see where I could have been
I need to say again, You've been so good...
Who would have guessed that we would come so far?

Ok, SO my personality just had me wasting 20 minutes trying to find this song online and it simply isn’t there.   Amazon music promised it and then I subscribed and it wasn’t even there.   

But, in my journey through the internet I found this whole Truth Concert. 

A really good song called “He is able” is around minute 23… but this will give you a flavor of what kind of stuff I was listening to and the kind of concerts I went to back when I was in my 20s.  :-)

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