Monday, March 08, 2021

From where are you seeking approval?

Who do you want to get approval from?   And how important is that approval?

I heard this verse recently from John 5:44 (ESV)

How can you believe while you continue to accept glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?

Jesus was referring to folks who did not believe in him even though he was explaining that he had come from his Father.   He’s basically saying “Don’t you get it?  I’m most important.”  He seemed almost perplexed that folks would be seeking glory and approval from others before him.

Isn’t this a good question for us to ask ourselves today?  If we are having trouble believing in the trustworthiness of Jesus and in the God who sent him, maybe it has something to do with the priorities we have set and from whom we are seeking glory.

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