Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sometimes when you blog every day....

 You don't have a ton to say.  Actually, I always have way too much to say, but deciding what to say on any given day is tricky.

Salinda and Mike and the kids are in Florida.  They left at midnight last night and went have arrived at Disney World.  They are meeting friends there.  The kids were SO EXCITED that they were bouncing around everywhere yesterday.  Makes me happy to see them so happy.

Dominyk has lost about 120 pounds.  He finally let him take his picture today -- unbelievable how different he looks.  His food plan involves lots of weed and energy drinks, but hey... he looks great.  The one seated was 5 years ago.... the one of him standing is this morning.  Crazy huh?

It's Leon's birthday.  I love him so much and am so proud of him.  We know have 3 children who are 26.... hard to believe.  He moved in with us a few months before turning 13.... and has brought us so much joy.   He has found a lovely girl to marry and they do so well together.  We couldn't be happier for them.

Looks like Rand and Amanda might finally get to have a wedding even though they were married last June in her parents back yard.  This means a trip to Minnesota in June.

Mercedes is due with a baby girl end of May so we will get to see grandchild number 10 within weeks of her birth.   I thought about going for the birth -- but I think I'd just get in the way.

I am thinking about doing something extreme with my diet in April and trying Dr. Nowzardan's diet.  I find myself being so critical of the folks who can't follow it I thought maybe I should try and see if I can do it before I keep acting like they are pathetic that they can't.  1200 calories a day isn't much.  Still pondering that.

CarePortal remains forefront in my mind all the time because it's awesome.  But you know that because I talk about it all the time.

There you go -- my brain dump for today!

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