Friday, April 16, 2021

PTO :-). or :-(

 I confess that I am not good at taking time off.  First of all, I absolutely love what I do.  So that makes it hard to walk away from my work.

Also, I do not have any thing I would rather do.  So I have to force myself to find things that I can do to get the mental break and often I'm at a loss.

My boss has intervened and insisted I take more PTO so I am taking of a few days.  

I'll get started once I get caught up on my email.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I relate to this! I work for a company that gives us 5 weeks off. I don't want or need 5 weeks off and because i do time sensitive federal paperwork it is actually also kind of impossible to do that. LOL I take a lot of 3 day weekends which I find super refreshing but there was one year where my superior made one of my goals for me not to lose vacation time. (you can't roll over more than 2 weeks)
