Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Downside of Technology

Baseball Tony
Baseball Tony,
originally uploaded by Maeflye.
I actually sort of got caught up today. Not caught up as in with housecleaning, but caught up sort of at my desk. At least enough so that I gave myself permission to play a little....

But then I fall into the deep abiss of technology and end up spending a couple hours making this collage that didn't turn out quite like the picture in my head and probably won't mean much to anybody....

It's amazing how technology that was supposed to save us time has actually swallowed up so much of mine.

I could mess with my Mac 24-7 -- making movies (already did one for church tomorrow), making DVDs (working on one for my folks), slide shows, creating music in Garage Band, and the list goes on. But then I feel a little on the guilty side for "wasting time."

Oh if only there were more hours in the day....

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