Friday, June 24, 2005

Another Ranch Visit

Went and had supper at the ranch again tonight with three of my boys. Had a chance to say hi to the boys we have met there and had a long time to spend with our son who lives there. He opted not to include any of the other guys in our time tonight, which was fine with me.

I think I keep a pretty tight reign on what is happening at home, but I found out some stuff today about things that were happening here at home when he was living here that were troubling to me.

Also am realizing that we have a lot of ground to cover and lots of things to talk about over the next several months before he comes home. Lots of bridges to rebuild and lots of communication to take place.

One of the most frustrating things that I have found is that nobody is using correct adoption language in any of his therapy. He moved in with us at the age of 8 and four six years referred to his birth parents as birth parents. He's out of our home for six months and now they are his "real" parents. Why can't people get the language right?

He also said that he was destined to be just like his birth dad -- hanging out with the wrong crowd, etc. I said, "if what you were saying was true, both of your uncles would be pastors since your grandpa is one." He knows good and well that even though my father is an excellent example of holy living that my brothers are both the opposite of that. I reminded him again that we all get to choose who we want to be.

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