Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ever had a Conversation with Yourself?

I'm not a perfect "social worker." In fact, I'm not even licensed. I help families by writing homestudies and stuff, but my supervisor has to sign off on everything I do. I have a Master's Degree in Counseling, and some would say I have some adoption experience, but I'm not "officially" official. However, I am officially unofficial, making me, I suppose unofficially official.

Anway, i digress.

So, having been in the position of depending on a social worker, I hope that makes me a little more compassionate as a social worker. But sometimes, I think some of my think I'm smiling or chuckling at them, but I'm actually smiling or chuckling because I have been them. I am talking to my former self.

I was the absolute worst "client" when it came to getting my children. I was such a relentless nag that I am amazed that my social workers put up with me. I was VERY demanding.

So now I'm on the other side of things and every once and a while I catch myself smiling in recognition. I feel like I'm having a conversation with myself.

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