Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Time but No Topic

It isn't often that I have free time. In fact, I really don't ever have any truly free time. But everyonceandawhile I come to a point where I can't motivate myself to do anything I should be doing.

What I have discovered, though, is that blogging requires more than time. It requires inspiration. Most blog entries are mediocre. Some are pathetic. Everynowandthen there is one that is a classic -- inspired -- golden.

I have been restless today -- wanting to do more than I'm doing, but not knowing how. Frustrated that there are people in this world who are actually bored -- people who have hours to watch television or participate in recreational activities. My world is full and yet there is so much more to do.

Twenty years ago I really believed I was going to change the world. Now some days I can't even make myself change the laundry. I want to do more, be more, accomplish more, matter more .... for the sake of important things.

I'm a much better dreamer than I am a finisher. I love to think of ideas and make plans to begin programs and develop strategies, but the daily muddling through the same old stuff annoys me.

I have tons of ideas of stuff I want to do, stuff I want lots of people to do, but I'm so entrenched in all of yesterdays dreams that have all these details I have to live out ....

Now THIS entry is rated pathetic in my book...

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