Friday, June 24, 2005

A Former Me

Tonight I did a little more trip planning for our July trip to Adopt America specialists training. I'm taking four kids with me and we are going to stop and see some old friends on the trip. After getting off the phone I took a world wide web trip back to my former self.

Before I got married, which seems like 500 years ago, but really wasn't that many, I enjoyed life as a single person. From 1988-1992 I was the Dean of Students at Bartlesville Wesleyan College which is now Oklahoma Wesleyan University. I felt like it was a job I was made for. I was single, put in 16-18 hour days, was completely passionate about transforming and developing the lives of students, and I had a blast doing it. After four years I resigned, which is a huge, long, not-always-fun-to-tell story, and moved to Mexico to serve as a consultant at Instituto Biblico Peregrino..

It seems hard to believe that it's been 20 years since I was a student at BWC and 13 since I stopped working there. That place was my life for such a long time. The relationships that I developed there are lifetime ones. I had mentors, supporters and friends there and we lived in close community with one another. It seems like a zillion years ago.

Just 13 years after leaving there I am a married mother of ten, with a college student myself. I looked at the website tonight and only a few of the people that I worked with are still there. The rest of us are scattered everywhere.

Sometimes it's hard to believe I'm the same person as I was then.... so much has changed.

Completing my day with a trip down memory lane....

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