Monday, June 27, 2005

If I really let go

Occassionally, when I am tired of writing case notes or sending endless streams of emails and faxes trying to match children I read other peoples blogs. Now right now I'm not talking about the blogs that I am addidcted to and have RSS feed bookmarked so that the second they change them I know it that belong to my friends who I like and enjoy. I'm talking about browsing blogs of complete strangers.

I've decided that the reason that my blog will never become a "bestseller", in whatever terms that would be defined, is that I have to be carefull not to offend anyone. I'm not just me. I'm a pastor's wife. I'm a social worker. I'm a member of several different adoption affiliate committees. I can prove it. Google Me

Anyway, I can't possibly totally let go and say every funny and sarcastic, cynical, sardonic thing that I think in my ever so sarcastic, cynical, and sardonic mind because even though I have never been one to care about what people think, I am connected to people who care what people think, and thus....

Besides, the blogs people find funny have lots of cuss words in them. Can't cuss.

So, I guess my blog will never be on the top of the Time's Top Fifty Websites: Blogs becuase I have to keep from offending, not express all of my opinions, and keep it clean.

Not that I would compromise my integrity and start being a foul mouthed offensive jerk just for the sake of fame....

But sometimes I just wonder what it would be like if I were ..... UNLEASHED....

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