Monday, June 27, 2005

Mexican Night Recap (and the 5 second rule)

As I predicted, not a lot of authetic food, but a lot of GOOD food (thought I had a limited serving of just a few lower in carbs and without sugar things). We did bring the only Mexicans, but there was a "Smack It" "Jesus Loves You" PiƱata (redecorated) and water balloons. The kids had a blast and we had fun watching them.

Last night someone mentioned the five second rule (you know, if something is on the ground for less than 5 seconds, it's OK to eat). Well our oldest son, who is usually quite picky about cleanliness, decided to apply that rule at college this year. They were having fast food and his burger dropped on the ground. Using the five second rule, he went ahead and ate it ... BUT when it fell on the ground, it picked up a rock, and he bit into it and broke his tooth.

So, the five second rule is costing his parents $1,000 now that his secondary insurance was cut off at 18.....

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