Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Last Day

It's the last day of school. My kids are thrilled.

I'm not so sure I'm thrilled.

This is the last day I will be able to sit in silence at my desk for three months.

This is the last day that lunch time will not be me alone at my desk with a low-carb wrap (yeah, the undiagnosis).

This is the last day that I will be able to choose to take a quick nap if I feel tired.

This is the last day that I will be able to talk on the phone uninterrupted.

This is the last day ........

But it is also the last day that I will have to get everyone up at seven.

Last night was the last time that bedtime REALLY mattered.

It is the last day that there will be a snack demanded when all the kids come piling through the door.

This is the last day that we will have to worry about backpacks, homework, library books, discipline slips, lunch bills.

This is the last day that there will pressure for my kids to be like everyone else.

This is the last day....

for 3 months anyway and then it starts all over again.

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