Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Single Parenting

I'm alone with the kids.
Husband out of town.
Last day of school = meltdowns.
Kids who spent their early years in chaos
don't do well with transition.



What if we would have done things
the normal way?

You know, 1.8 kids
house in the suburbs.
Two jobs, day care.
SUV, boat, cabin on the lake.
Living for us, not Him.
More money. More time for relaxing.
Sundays on the lake, not in church.
All of the stuff money can buy.

If we had used our intellect,
our talents, our gifts
to climb the corporate ladder,
for a company that only exists
to make money to pay people
to make more money to pay more people
to make even more money to pay even more people...
to escape in materialism
and allow society to set our priorities....

Where would we be?

Bored, I think. Very Very Bored.

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