Sunday, June 26, 2005

Last Night's Nightmare

Last night I woke up at 4 completely exhuasted. I had dreamed that the bishop had called and we were being reappointed to a church in the middle of nowhere in an unincorporated village of less than 200 people. They had built us a nice big house there, but the church was small. And to top it all off, we had to be there on June 30th. In my dream I said to Bart, "Do you know what day it is????" and he reponded, "Yeah, the 20th." I said, "NO! It is the 26th! We have four days.

I called my boss immediately to tell her that I would have to transfer all of my families and realized how behind I was on my case notes and began to panic.

How would I EVER get all my files caught up and pack up a family of 10 in 4 days!!!

It's been a long time since I've been that happy to wake up....

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