Monday, June 27, 2005

Little League Meanderings Episode 4

Tonight it was not 3rd and 4th graders, but 5th and 6th graders. And my 6th grader is not really a hitter or a catcher. He is a "stand and pray for 4 balls so I can walk" and a "please please please don't let the ball come to me" kind of a player. The picture shows his distaste for the heat and dust.

But his team won, so we can't complain.

Some things that happened at the game tonight:

My youngest stood at the top of a huge hill at the game and in full volume screamed, "MOOOM! Tony said the F word."

I was talking to my friend who has a 13 year old son just like I do. We were talking about that age and how they argue all the time. He asked what we were talking about and she said, "We were talking about how you argue all the time, even about dumb things. And his response? Yup, You guessed it, "Nuh Uh!!!!"

All three of the boys who were not playing were covered in dirt, sweat and mosquito bites by the end of the game.

The game took forever. One hour and forty five minutes of watching boys who are just figuring out how to walk in their new bigger bodies swinging at wild pitches. One hour of pollen blowing into my eyes making them water even though I have taken a one-pill-covers-24-hours non-drowsy allergy pill.

I forgot it was picture night and let my youngest waste 53 pictures figuring I could delete them. Most of them were pictures showing how his siblings were places I told them they shouldn't be and he wanted proof. I forgot all about battery power. Fortunately I was reminded in time to save enough for the team picture.

Another night at the baseball field.... Four nights a week for 6 weeks ...

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