Monday, June 27, 2005

One of My Secret Parenting Tips (that is no longer secret)

Sometimes I trade hair for other things.

Now, I don't REALLY care how my kids hair looks most of the time. I mean they want to make a statement or something and so I usually let them do what they want with it if they can pay for it themselves.

BUT, after a while, I get tired of looking at something hideous so I trade hair for something else.

For example, our next to youngest had let his grow horribly long and it was sticking out everywhere and he couldn't manage to comb it very often, and so he disappeared for two hours one day, earning himself two hours in his room (so he can sit there and think about how long I worried about him. Two hours is a LONG time, isn't it son?)

Anyway, he didn't WANT to go to his room for 2 hours so I said, I'll tell you what. Let me shave your head down to a number 2 and you don't have to go to your room at all. And voila, no more long hair.

Most recently, our second oldest said, "Mom, when do I get to start choosing my own bedtime." (Well, it had been a while since he asked, and he is almost 17, and even though he has some delays, it was probably about time) so I SHOULD have said I guess now is a good time. BUT I had a stroke of genius, and instead said, "I guess after you get your hair cut." He made the call to set up the appointment within the hour. (This was after months of me mentioning how badly he needed one).

Looking at the before/after shot above, you can why it was a relief when he came home tonight looking semi human again.

Sometimes my brilliance amazes me....

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