Sunday, June 12, 2005


Of all of the challenges of having a large family, laundry, to me is the worst.

And the worst of the worst is socks.

right now we have 10 people at home.

10 people x 2 socks per day (minimum) x 7 days = 140 socks per week.

And then there are the 1, 247 socks that never seem to have a mate.

Finding matching socks is hard and getting people to not wear other people's socks is harder.

And in Minnesota, in our sophisticated world, we do wear socks, even in the summer.

Well, most of the time anyway.

I've tried buying lots of socks exactly alike. I've tried buying each kid a different brand. I've tried washing them with the darks, and saving them to wash alone. I've tried letting people share socks, and telling them they must wear their own.

The 1, 247 socks whose mates are yet to be found are in a big rubber tub in the laundry room. They get pawed through when we get desperate and an ocassional "Eureka" (or some other expression) signifies that a match has been found among them.

But the absolute worst is finding a boy outside in the mud, without shoes, wearing MY SOCKS!


  1. Get the kids sandals. No socks, no tying, no socks.

  2. Oh please. You don't think we have sandals? We have so many sandals. But for some reasons, sandals get lost before summer begins. They BEG for sandals the first weekend it's warm and I say, "well, this is your pair for the summer."

    And it never fails, by the time school's out, the boy's sandals are all missing.


    So, some of them buy their own second pair. Some of them go barefoot, some of them wear tennis shoes and socks, and others just wear my socks with no shoes!
