Saturday, June 11, 2005

Why I Don't Cook

Just so you are aware, I do not tell anything but the truth when I blog.

We sat down to a meal tonight of roasted pork tenderloin, baked sweet potatoes, green beans almondine, cranberries, and frozen yogurt with Snickers for dessert. Bart made it. A veritable feast.

Our youngest, age 9, took one look at the pork and said, "As of right now, I am a vegetarian."

Our oldest over several moments, and in several different ways, explained why he just could not eat squash, yams or sweet potatoes.

Our oldest daughter, usually polite and soft-spoken, said, as she choked down her sweet potatoes, "This is like an episode of fear factor."

1 comment:

  1. No, it explains why I'll NEVER cook. Because if they respond that way to his food, which is excellent, who KNOWS how they would respond to mine...
