Saturday, July 02, 2005


I promised him I wouldn't use his name, but since he'll probably never see the post, I'll use it anyway.

Reggie was our van salesman. And he got straight "As" in "Smooth Talking Carsalesman School." He also won the prize of saying the word "Claudia" in my presence the most times in an hour anyone ever has in my life. "Now Claudia, I'm going to go get the paperwork and bring it back to have you sign it. Would that work for you, Claudia?

Now, if he would have said "Mom" it wouldn't have fazed me. I would never have noticed at all, but this consistent Claudia stuff certainly caught my attention. I bet he said it 45-50 times in one hour. I was laughing to myself until I couldn't contain it any more and started doing it back to him. "Sure, Reggie. I'll just wait right here at this desk while you get the papers. Is that OK with you Reggie?

It was hilarious. When he finally caught on what I was doing, he then tried to stop saying my name so much but he couldn't do it. It's such an ingrained habit.

Anyway, we have a new van, it functions and has some things our old one didn't (in addition to airconditioning and a radio). Even has a DVD player and hookups for the Playstation. What more could one ask for?

The kids are excited and it's fun to have something new, although we intend to save it for out of town use and use the old one for running errands in town. We're hoping to keep it nicer without all the sports equipment, mud from the lake, etc. like the old one has.

So, a pretty dang good day, I'd say.

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