Saturday, July 02, 2005

So far, so good

So far this day has been mighty, mighty fine. Right after I woke up, my husband announced it might be time for a new van. Since I've been the one driving our van for the last 8 years, I couldn't agree more. The engine runs great, but everything else is trashed. I won't print in here the things that are messed up, because it might not be legal, and in case the Rock County Sherriff at some point reads this, I don't want to incriminate myself. But since I know it is not illegal not to have a radio or air conditioning, I will point out that we have neither of those.

So, I was going to take 4 kids to Toledo for AAN training in the car, which would be really packed. We're having a picnic on the way with two adoptive families who between the two of them have 23 kids and 4 adults... and we were bringing the pop and chips and I didn't even think we could fit a cooler. Now I'm elated... a new van! Wow! I'm so excited.

Then I finished all of my stuff for tomorrow (almost) by 11 a.m. and I'm off to the ranch and then shopping and a movie with the kids.....

Great day so far.... more later.

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