Friday, July 01, 2005

Reverse Drive Through

When we moved to our town six years ago, we were thrilled with the huge city park. It was then that I started our tradition of the reverse drive through.

I am at the van at the park and each child comes to the van window to take my order. They tell me what they want, one at a time. I do not write it down. I memorize it.

I drive to McDonalds and order everything that I have memorized. (I personally think that if people get respected and admired for being able to jump high and push a ball through a basket, that I should get some kind of award for being able to order for a family of 10 without writing it down).

AFter ordering, I drive back to the park. The children come up to the window one by one and I hand them the food out of the van into their hands.

Reverse Drive Through.

We did it toniight. Beautiful night. Warm sun, cool breeze, few mosquitos.

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