Monday, October 31, 2005

Answer: 15 (give or take)

Question: How many different scenarios are there for the county’s plan of what will happen when Mike gets picked up again?

The conversation with the social worker was mind boggling. If he comes back and doesn’t run again before “transportation” can get there, he’ll go to a “consequence program.” If he comes back and does run, he’ll go to the detention center, and then the “consequence program” and then back to the group home. If he comes back, doesn’t run, and goes to the consequence program and he completes it, he will return to the group home. If he goes to the consequence program and runs from there, he goes to detention, back to the consequence program, and then back to the group home. If he doesn’t complete the consequence program in 15 days, he goes to detention and then back to the consequence program to try it again before going back to the group home. And there’s more but you’re probably tired of hearing about that.

Of course, if his UA comes back positive or if there was criminal activity while he was on the run, then he goes immediately to detention, at a place that will make the place he was at for 10 months that he hated so much look like Day Care...

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