Monday, October 31, 2005

Answer: 36 Hours

Question: How long does it take a kid with FASD/RAD to run again after the cops bring him home?

Yup, the social worker called this morning to find out if the program would keep him and WHILE she was on the phone, the alarm went off and there he went.

I don’t have time to rant for pages about this, but at least if he would have come home he would be running locally where the cops know him, we know where he goes, and where he is relatively safe.

This time he came back, the girl he was with covered with hickies and evidence at least one of them had been taking some pills, but the results of the UA aren’t in.

So now the consequence programs are full, he’s on the run again, violating probation again, and basically take steps to really screw up his life . . . and here we sit, miles away, glad we were not in support of this placement...

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