Sunday, October 30, 2005


I decided to play bells this year ... I had tried several years ago when the kids were younger and it was so stressful going to practice because it is the same time as confirmation during which my husband is always busy every year...

But since we have now been here 6 years, we know that we may not be here a whole lot longer and I wanted to play one more time. One of the reasons that I like bells is because when I am playing them, it requires so much concentration that I cannot think about anything else, which many times in my life, is a good thing.

This morning we played and I did NOT do well. I was so bad I just had to laugh. We’ve been practicing the same two songs for 2 months and then, during the performance, I have to completely miss several key notes: Picture it with me:

The tune is going in people’s heads: Fairest Lord sus, Rul of all Na , O Thou of God and the Son...

It was not my moment of glory, that’s for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Oh believe me, I understand! I played in the Bell Choir for years, and some days are NOT your best days! Even Silent Night can sound bad.

    I even played a few Bell solos, and let me tell you, that can get tricky. I did pretty good, but one time I was doing this special number for our Assoc. minister, who was leaving. It was "Bless This House" but I changed the words as a tribute to him, and messed up one part of it. It still turned out OK, but OH man! Not a good time to mess up.

    I also played a duet--Jewels--and that was also interesting b/c we almost got tangled up a few times when we first started! But it was fun.

    OH! The best part was that our choir loft was in the balcony, so that's where I played from. No way could I have done it at the front. When the whole bell choir played, we played in the front.
