Friday, November 11, 2005

Baby Dream

I don’t know that my dreams are interesting to anyone, but I have always told myself that I should write some of them down so now I have somewhere to write them.

Last night, the dream I remember clearly included me going up to a hospital clinic asking to see our baby. Bart and I had apparently had a surrogate mother give birth for us.

HOWEVER, just an aside here, I do NOT want a baby. When your youngest is 9, a baby is not on the agenda. Besides, they take so much WORK.

So, we get to the hospital and ask to see the baby. They tell me about the baby -- it’s a girl and the “surrogate” mother decided to name her. Her name is Elvira. It was already on the birth certificate. I am NOT happy.

We go pick her up and she’s pretty cute, except that it is obvious that something happened with the insemination process because she looks nothing like Bart or I and a LOT like a guy I know who I think is an absolute dork.

So, we leave the hospital with a baby girl named Elvira who we will have to legally petition to have her named changed who looks exactly like someone I can hardly stand and I’m thinking to myself in the dream, “WHAT WAS I THINKING?” ... a phrase I’ve repeated to myself nearly daily during my 9 years of parenting....

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