Friday, November 11, 2005

Getting It All Together

I’m putting together my presentation for next week when I head to Washington State. I copied and pasted a few of my blog entries into a document so that I can have something to read when a topic I’m passionate about surfaces in the presentation.

I am also in the midst of trying to put together another blog of things I’ve written in the past. I am debating between another blogger spot, a TypePad blog (because you can put items in categories) or just designing my own website. I can’t seem to come up with the right answer and I’m driving myself nuts.

Maybe I should ask for some feedback.....

OK, I’m welcoming comments on this.

Do you think I should

a) Just have another blogspot;

b) Use Type Pad so I can put the entries in categories, even though I can’t make it look like I want it to; or

c) Develop my own website which would give me total freedom but take LOTS more time.

I’ll do what you think is best . . . and if you don’t respond, I’ll be left in the land of indecision.

But now I get to take 3 4th grade girls to Gigglebees for a birthday party.. Doesn’t the name of it make you cringe? It’s one of those places where kids are running wild everywhere and not a single adult in the entire establishment is smiling.


  1. I use Typepad, and am mostly happy with it. I don't know how often readers make use of categories, though. I know they make it easier for ME to find something I've written!

    I like blogs that use Wordpress. But the free Wordpress blog site apparently isnt' as flexible as what you can use if Wordpress is installed on the server you are using. (Not sure that makes sense, as I don't quite know what I'm talking about.)

    What I'd really like to do is set up my own website, but like you said, it takes a long time, especially for someone with limited skills such as myself.

  2. I like the idea of categories but I think it's more fun to have some control over the layout. I'd stick with a blog unless you want to spend the energy on your own website. It might be easier to have categorized blogs -- the best of both worlds?
