Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A GOOD idea

I came up with a new idea today. I don’t know how often I’ll remember to do it, but it was a good idea anyway, so I’d share it in case it helps someone else.

When I was folding laundry out of the dryer this morning I started to say a once sentence prayer for the wearer of the piece of clothing for each piece I pulled out. Things like “help Salinda to make good choices today” or “help Dominyk not to feel so lonely in school today” or “help practice to go well for Jimmy tonight.”

I am going to try to do this. I fold a LOT of laundry and if I have to come up with a specific prayer request for each item of clothing for each family member, a lot of prayers will be lifted for them. I’m not much of a prayer as I always don’t think I have the time, but it’s not like I’m doing anything else to take up mind space while folding laundry that is of any significance.


  1. I love this idea! I am always looking for something I can do while I fold laundry...I never even thought of making that my prayer time! Claudia, you are a wonderful, God-loving, multi-tasking genius! ~Kari

  2. I whole-heartedly agree. I always dread folding laundry and this will give me a wonderful incentive to getting it done -- with a much higher purpose!
