Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Prior Propper Planning Prevents Pitifully Poor Performance

I learned this back in 1985 in Brookings from a former supervisor of mine, but when raising kids like mine it is OH so true.

yesterday morning was a disaster. I got everyone up and took them to school that was late. Then an hour later, they closed school. Four hours later it started to snow, but I digress...

Last night the “2 Hours Late” sign flashed on the bottom of the TV screen for our school district. So I was able to tell the kids before it was time to go to bed, that they didn’t have school until 10. THey slept in a little late. When we all got up, they were informed that they had to have everything of theirs in a pile (which includes, if you are in elementary school in our town, hat, gloves, snowpants, coat, backpack, and shoes) BEFORE they could watch TV or play playstation.

There has not been a single meltdown. At least four of them are already to walk out the door even though it still an hour away. Dad got up and made french toast. Everyone is happy as they can be...

It’s all about being able to plan. Unfortunately, life throws us the unplanned sometimes, but as long as we can be as structured as possible most of the time, we’re in pretty good shape.

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