Sunday, November 13, 2005

In Way Over My Head

I decided to try to do something with Word Press that involved reconfiguring a whole bunch of stuff. I’m pretty bright, but this time I was in way over my head. I wasted a couple good hours and I’m really frustrated because I can’t get it to work.

In addition to me sitting here wasting time, we had quite the night. Our oldest decided to do something, once again, from afar, to make us question his behavior and, more importantly, the image he is creating for himself. In addition, the boys got all riled up like they used to when John was home before, and the whole house gets hyper tense. Then everyone is out of sorts.

It’s too bad the day ended this way because the rest of the day was really good. Bart took 4 kids to SF to shop and stay away from the carpet cleaner, and I took four with me to speak at an adoption orientation. We all had good days but then it was not a good night.

Heading up to try to get everyone in bed.

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