Saturday, November 12, 2005

That's Why I Hate Being A Preacher's Children

Dominyk has developed a very bad happy lately -- a habit of swearing... and he keeps adding to his favorite phrase. Now his favorite phrase is YOU G--D---M-----F------ B----.

Now, as you can imagine, this does not go over well in our home, but Dominyk has been exposed to older brothers who arrived swearing and has learned that there is really no consequence that will stop a child from swearing if they don’t want to stop.

Last week we tried the dollar-a-word charge that we used for one of our older boys who loves money and he lost his whole allowance for the week. So this week when he wanted his allowance, Bart gently reminded him that he had lost his allowance for swearing the week before, to which he loudly responded,

“YOU G--D---M-----F------ B----! This is why I HATE being a preacher’s children.


  1. I guess it may not be funny at the time or when you're the one dealing with it, but i think it's hilarious.

  2. OH, it's hilarious even at the time to tell you the truth...
