Monday, November 21, 2005

Mid-Day Progress Report and Sad News

Just plugging away. But the more i get done, the more it seems to pile up.

I started with 125 emails. I’ve been emailing for 5 hours straight and I still have 101. For every one I send out another 5 come in.

I’ve also done 5 loads of laundry, but one couldn’t tell.

We heard this weekend that one of our son’s birthgrandmother had passed away. She was in sad shape. Our son’s birthmom called Saturday night, and then her sister called yesterday afternoon.

I wasn’t sure what his response would be, as he hadn’t seen her for at least a year, but he began to sob. Would not be comforted for a while. Found out that she was ill for quite some time, she’s been an alcoholic for years and years, and apparently it caught up with her. Sad to talk to the aunt who explained she was sorry they hadn’t been in touch, but she had been homeless for two years. She’s not sure how they will pay for the funeral.

Also heard about another birth family member (and I’m being vague on purpose) and saw a picture for the first time this week. Very strange to have these people resurface after years.

Hearing of them is a reminder of the amazing impact adoption can have -- showing kids a different way to live than any generation behind them has ever been able to see.

And it is also a sad reminder of people deeply entrenched in poverty and dysfunction -- people who we know are out there, but are often so removed from us that we somehow remove ourselves from the responsibility we have as Christians, or even members of the human race. to do something about them.

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